Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"Cheapest Price" Commissions

We were in a hurry yesterday with duplicating keys for an estate sale. At the closest hardware store I was directed to an irritated "minimum Wage" employee that reminded me that their price was the lowest.

"Cheapest Prices for Cut Keys" he chimed

The second key, they didn't carry that particular blank, but that "More Expensive" fellow up the mall did. At the second store I was greeted by the proprietor who looked at the key to be duplicated and warned about the price of the blank; "I need it". Back to the house to try the key... Expensive one works great, cheap one is stiff and resistant. Doesn't fully close. It was very difficult to turn.

Back to the shops. I don't have time for this. Did I return to the lowest price that complained? No, I went to the fellow who did his job properly and took my money. I asked about the error with the "first cut" He looked at it carefully and said; "You see here" showing me the key, "Someone rushed, It's a little off."

I returned again to the estate home and tested the second re cut key. Perfect. Yes it cost a dollar more but could have saved me 45 minutes had I gone there first.

There is a lesson here for all of us. Too often we are attracted by the lowest price, only to have other expenses undisclosed or a repurchase do over is required that just plainly waits time. There seems to be a race to the bottom for prices on everything lately. Then there is the cost expense and waste of the re do.

Have things like this happened to you?

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